Dictionary of pastellists before 1800


Modern prices Historical prices

In an age when the most expensive picture sold at auction is a pastel (Munch's The Scream, sold at Sotheby's, New York, 2.V.2012 for $119.9m) it may seem surprising that pastels generally fetch far lower prices than equivalent paintings in oil. On this page we review recent prices before turning to historical data.

Modern prices

The table below sets out a list of pastels (by artists within the scope of the Dictionary, i.e. those working before 1800) for which published sale prices in excess of $100,000 are recorded in recent times. It ignores those sold by private treaty (except where published pre-emption prices are known). Recent trends reflect growing interest among American museums in particular in outstanding examples in this field. Of 118 works, Liotard accounts for 20; La Tour (16); Vigée Le Brun (12); Carriera (10); Vouet (6); Tiepolo (6); Hamilton (5); Boucher (3); Coypel (3); Barocci (2); Chardin (2); Copley (2); Gardner (2); Greuze (2); Lemoyne (2); Perronneau (2); Sharples (2); Wright (2); with one each from Ducreux, Fragonard; Gainsborough, Girodet, Hoare, Labille-Guiard, Lely, Mengs, Nanteuil, Nattier, Pillement (a pair, counted as one), Mme Roslin, Russell, Troost, Valade, Vigée, Vivien, Voiriot and Weyler. (A couple of these are drawings with pastel, and two are early nineteenth century.)

Liotard now heads the table by value, with the Déjeuner Lavergne settling tax of £8.76 million under the UK Acceptance in Lieu scheme in 2020. Until 2024, when the Vigée Le Brun autoportrait sold for $3,085,000, Liotard was also responsible for the single highest price paid at auction for a pre-1800 pastel: £2,355,000 was paid for a version of the Dame et sa servante au bain in 2019. La Tour is a close second by value, with one more entry; his rival Perronneau achieved similar prices during the early part of the twentieth century, but his popularity has again waned, so that only a single record appears. Among other French artists, Greuze is represented by the study for L'Heureuse mère by Greuze (now in Washington) which fetched Fr2.85 million in 1999; it sold for Fr35,000 in the Doucet sale of 1912, equivalent to Fr600,000 in 1999 purchasing power. The other schools have commanded prices which, for sufficiently important examples, have been no lower. When Arthur Veil-Picard bought John Russell's Mrs Currie at the turn of the century, he paid Fr80,000 (admittedly this was Fr20,000 more than he intended, owing to a confusion with his agent); this was twice as much as he paid for his La Tour Watelet. Russell's John Withers (now in the Courtauld Institute) was preempted at £102,500, while two versions of Carriera's Lord Boyne were sold, one in 2002 for $621,750; the other ultimately being acquired for £525,000. The interesting Canova in his studio (V&A) by Hugh Douglas Hamilton fetched a remarkable £525,000 in 1998. American pastels, even by minor artists, are much sought after, and Copley is represented by several examples. But the consistent performer in monetary terms has been Liotard, with numerous examples achieving six-figure sums. Most spectacularly, the portrait of Lord John Mount Stuart (later Lord Bute) went to the Getty for £1 million in 2000.

Prices in the table are shown inclusive of buyer's premium where known. For full details, consult the main entry in the Dictionary.

Madonna and Child beside a crib in an interior (London, Christie's, 6.VII.2010, Lot 38, £505,250)
Young lady looking down (New York, Sotheby's, 28.I.2015, Lot 48, $221,000)

Sireul (New York, Sotheby's, Lot 139, $274,000)
Vénus jouant avec deux colombes (Paris, Christie's, 23.VI.2010, Lot 109, €601,000)
Voluptueuse (Paris, Drouot, Aguttes, 13.VI.2019, Lot 11, €104,00)

Lord Sidney BEAUCLERK (London, Christie's, 3.VII.2012, Lot 76, £229,250)
BOYNE (New York, MMA. New York, Sotheby's, 24.I.2002, Lot 54, $621,750)
BOYNE (Birmingham, Barber Institute. London, Christie's, 8.VII.2008, Lot 53, £421,250; Daniel Katz; acqu. £525,000)
Elisabetta Algarotti DANDOLO (London, Sotheby's, 21.III.2007, Lot 70, £66,000)
Sir James GRAY (private sale, subject to export licence deferral, 2009, $950,000)
Il marchese MOLINARI (Milan, Christie's, 28.V.2008, Lot 151, €107,300)
Joseph SPENCE (New York, Sotheby's, 25.I.2023, Lot 17, $302,400)
Dame en Été (New York, Sotheby's, 21.V.1998, Lot 82, $118,000)
Ragazza con pappagallo (Chicago, Art Institute. London, Christie's, 13.XII.1984, Lot 181, £135,000
Dame (New York, Sotheby's, 31.i.2024, Lot 20, $190,500)

AUTOPORTRAIT (Orléans, mBA. Clermont-Ferrand, Aguttes, Ryaux, 24.IV.1986, Fr6,000,000)
AUTOPORTRAIT (Chicago, Art Institute. Paris, Drouot, Audap, Godeau, Solanet, 8.XII.1983, Fr1,250,000)

Mrs Joseph BARRELL (South Deerfield, Douglas, 25.V.2001, Lot 1, $115,000)
Joseph GREENE; & pendant: spouse (Manchester, New Hampshire, Northeast Auctions, 22-24.II.2008, Lot 1747, $326,000)

La Folie pare la Décrépitude (Paris, Sotheby's, 24.VI.2009, Lot 57, €336,750)
Dame en robe rose faisant de la tapisserie (Paris, Sotheby's, 23.VI.2011, Lot 55, €276,750)
Autoportrait (Paris, Drouot, Pescheteau Badin, 15.VI.2018, Lot 48, €239,400)

Franklin (Paris, Christie's, 15.IX.2020, Lot 208, €406,000)

Enfant en Amour (London, Christie's, 5.VII.2011, Lot 80, £85,250; New York, Sotheby's, 25.I.2023, Lot 40, $107,100)

Duchess of MARLBOROUGH (private sale, subject to export licence deferral, 1994, £236,919; resold, New York, Christie's, 31.I.2013, Lot 79, $2,434,500)

Sturt family (London, Christie's, 2.VII.2013, Lot 65, £133,875)
Lady Grey (London, Sotheby's, 8.vii.2015, Lot 228, £233,000; New York, Sotheby's, 25.I.2023, Lot 54, $252,000)

Étude de dragon, crayon noir, estompe, pastel (Paris, Espace de Bourbon, Gestas-Carrère, 25.IX.2010, €415,138)

Self-portrait (New York, Sotheby's, 31.I.2013, Lot 80, $350,500)
Mme GREUZE, étude pour L'Heureuse Mère (Washington, NGA. Paris, Drouot, Néret-Minet, 15.XI.1999, Lot 59, Fr2,850,000)

Earl-Bishop of BRISTOL (acqu. 1993, £125,000)
CANOVA in his studio (London, V&A. Acqu. 1998, £525,400)
CANOVA, small head (London, Sotheby's, 4.XII.2008, Lot 112, £199,250)
Marquess of DOWNSHIRE (London, Christie's, 30.XI.2000, Lot 2, £377,750; London, Christie's, 14.VII.2011, Lot 75 repr., £337,250; London, Christie's, 5.VII.2017, Lot 87, £269,000)
Sir James GRAHAM (London, Christie's, 19.V.2000, Lot 106, £155,000)

Henry HOARE (London, Sotheby's, 4.VII.2012, Lot 163, £361,250)

Mme MITOIRE et ses enfants (Paris, Christie's, 16.VI.2021, Lot 109 repr., €644,000)

AUTOPORTRAIT (Louvre. London, Christie's, 5.VII.2005, Lot 162, £657,600)
AUTOPORTRAIT (Paris, Drouot, Libert, 5.XII.2008, Lot 9, attr., €110,000)
AUTOPORTRAIT (Paris, Sotheby's, 25.VI.2003, Lot 29, €145,375)
BELLE-ISLE (Monaco, Sotheby's, 18-19.VI.1992, Lot 60, Fr2,220,000; Mrs Phoebe Cowles, San Francisco; New York, Christie's, 23.I.2004, Lot 63, $388,300)
La maréchale de BELLE-ISLE (Paris, Drouot Richelieu, Binoche, 26.VI.1996, Lot 24, Fr500,000)
Mme CAILLOUX (New York, Christie's, 30.I.1998, Lot 250, $110,300; New York, Sotheby's, 25.I.2023, $252,000)
Mlle CLAIRON (New York, Christie's, 14.IV.2016, Lot 144 repr., $161,000)
DUVAL DE L'ÉPINOY (Jacques Doucet; Paris, Georges Petit, 5-8.VI.1912, Lot 75, Fr600,000)
DUMONT le Romain jouant de la guitare (Monaco, Ader, Picard, Tajan, Escaut-Marquet, 11.XI.1984, Lot 4, Fr4,000,000. New York, Sotheby's, 29.I.2009, Lot 66, $1,258,500)
Marie FEL au clavecin (London, Christie's, 10.XII.1993, Lot 52, £140,000)
MIRLEAU de Neuville (Paris, Drouot, Kalck, 26.IV.2017, Lot 152, €112,680)
La princesse de ROHAN (Paris, Christie's, 26.III.2014, Lot 82, €217,500)
ROUSSEAU (Montmorency, musée Jean-Jacques Rousseau. London, Sotheby's, 4.VII.2007, Lot 86, £144,000)
VOLTAIRE (Saint-Quentin, musée Antoine Lécuyer. Paris, Drouot, Rieunier, Bailly-Pommery, 18.X.1995, Fr1,400,000)

Young girl with pearl necklace, chlk, pstl (Nantes, Couton Veyrac Jamault, 13.VI.2017, Lot 30, €520,800)

LOUIS XV (Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum. New York, Christie's, 12.I.1995, Lot 87, $211,500)
Tête de l'Amour de la Vertu (Versailles. Paris, Drouot, Millon, 1.VII.2020, Lot 1, €182,000)

BUISSON-BOISSIER (Houston, MFA. Acqu. 1986, SwFr2,000,000)
Viscount Mountstuart, Marquess of BUTE (Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum. Acqu. 2000, £1,308,710)
CRAMER (New York, Christie's, 28.i.2021, Lot 53, $810,000)
Lady FAWKENER (Compton Verney. London, Sotheby's, 10.VII.2002, Lot 214, £732,650)
Mrs FREMEAUX (Geneva, mAH. London, Sotheby's, 17.X.1997, Lot 283, £98,000)
Mlle JACQUET (Paris, Sotheby's, 21.VI.2012, Lot 57, €1,464,750)
KAUNITZ (New York, Christie's, 29.I.2009, Lot 61, $110,500)
Déjeuner LAVERGNE (acqu. National Gallery, £8,760,000)
Miss Susanna LEWIS (London, Christie's, 4.VII.1995, Lot 149, £331,500. New York, Christie's, 20.X.2022, Lot 17, $1,500,000)
Lady Anne Somerset, later Countess of NORTHAMPTON (New York, Christie's, 25.I.2012, Lot 134, $293,500)
J. M. van TUYLL VAN SEROOSKERKEN; & pendant: spouse (Stichting Slot Zuylen. London, Christie's, 10.VII.2001, Lot 124, £113,750)
Lady TYRELL (Geneva, mAH. London, Christie's, 2.VII.1991, Lot 380, £448,897)
Mme de VERMENOUX, 1764 (Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle. Acqu. 2018, €1,400,000)
Dame en costume maltaise (Washington, NGA. London, Sotheby's, 10.VII.2002, Lot 211, £776,650)
Dame en turque et sa servante au bain (London, Christie's, 4.VII.1995, Lot 148, £903,500; London, Sotheby's, 3.VII.2019, Lot 33, £2,355,000)
Dame en turque et sa servante au bain (London, Christie's, 7.VII.2009, Lot 57, £657,250)
Lady in a pink dress (London, Christie's, 5.VII.2011, Lot 77, £337,250)
"La Vénitienne" (Paris, Aguttes, 25.III.2022, Lot 40, €175,500)
Nature morte: jeu de loto (Geneva, mAH. New York, Sotheby's, 22.V.1997, Lot 86, $992,500)
Nature morte (London, Sotheby's, 5.VII.2017, Lot 81, £416,750)

Allégorie de la Vérité (Houston, MFA. London, Christie's, 6.VII.1993, Lot 189, £109,300)

POMPONNE (New York, Christie's, 30.I.1998, Lot 216, $105,000)

Mme ROYER (New York, Sotheby's, 22.V.1992, Lot 43, $270,000; New York, Sotheby's, 20.XI.2020, Lot 194, $625,000)

DESFRICHES (Orléans, mBA. Paris, Drouot, 8.vi.2016, Lot 68, €412,500)
Olivier JOURNU (New York, MMA. Paris, Sotheby's, 27.VI.2002, Lot 39, €258,750)

Two river scenes (London, Christie's, 29.IV.2015, Lot 70, £92,500)

Mme COUSTOU (Cannes, Pichon & Noudel-Deniau, 22.X.2024, Lot 100, €236,160)

WITHERS (London, Courtauld Institute. London, Sotheby's, 22.III.2000, Lot 91, £102,337)

George WASHINGTON (Manchester, New Hampshire, Northeast Auctions, 22-24.II.2008, Lot 1744, $141,200)
George WASHINGTON (New York, Christie's, 21.I.2021, Lot 113, $325,000)

Testa di vecchio (London, Sotheby's, 8.VII.2009, Lot 69, £289,250)
Mujer con mantilla y otras figuras (London, Christie's, 5.VII.1996, Lot 54, £184,000)
Mujer con nabos y otras figuras (London, Christie's, 5.VII.1996, Lot 53, £260,000)
Naranjera y majos (London, Christie's, 5.VII.1996, Lot 55, £320,000)
Los madrileños (New York, Christie's, 11.I.1995, Lot 52, $717,500)
Gentleman holding a cane, another with a Phrygian bonnet, a woman, (London, Christie's, 5.VII.1996, Lot 52, £170,000)

Scene from the play Beslikte Swaantje... (New York, Sotheby's, 30.I.2019, Lot 120, $100,000)

La marquise de PONS-SAINT-MAURICE (Paris, Beaussant Lefèvre, 28.VI.2024, Lot 53, €166,400

Mme ?FAVART en pèlerine (Stockholm, Nationalmuseum. Paris, Sotheby's, 21.VI.2012, Lot 53, €84,750)

Autoportrait (New York, Sotheby's, 28.i.2016, Lot 136, $187,500)
Autoportrait (New York, Sotheby's, 31.i.2024, Lot 11, $3,085,000)
L'enfant ?CHOISEUL (Genoa, Cambi, 10.XII.2020, Lot 97, €325,000)
Les enfants CAILLOT (Paris, Tajan, 20.XII.2000, Lot 54, Fr2,500,000)
Duchesse de GUICHE (New York, Sotheby's, 31.I.2024, Lot 19, $635,000)
L'enfant MONTESQUIOU (New York, Sotheby's, 31.I.2024, Lot 7, $215,900)
Mrs Spencer PERCEVAL (Paris, Sotheby's, 25.III.2014, Lot 109, €133,500. New York, Sotheby's, 30.I.2019, €237,500)
Caroline RIVIERE (Paris Drouot, Thierry de Maigret, 23.iii.2018, Lot 174, €269,400)
M. & Mme de ROISSY (Paris, Sotheby's, 22.VI.2010, Lot 46, €216,750)
Countess of TANKERVILLE (New York, Bonhams, 21.IV.2009, Lot 89, $122,000)
Garçon (New York, Christie's, 27.IV.2024, Lot 55, $176,400)
Jeune femme (Paris, Christie's, 10.IV.2013, Lot 78, €115,000)

Lalouette (Paris, Artcurial, 21.iii.2108, Lot 12, €104,000)

Père Jacquier, version (Paris, Coutau-Bégarie, 30.ix.2020, €115,000)

Du Neufgermain (Paris, Artcurial, 21.iii.2108, Lot 3, €250,800)
Artiste (Paris, Artcurial, 21.iii.2108, Lot 2, €294,200)
Du Neufgermain (Paris, Artcurial, 21.iii.2108, Lot 1, €337,600)
Mazarin (Paris, Christie's, 27.v.2020, Lot 41, €206,250)
Homme âgé (Paris, Christie's, 27.v.2020, Lot 40, €162,500)
Homme (Paris, Christie's, 27.v.2020, Lot 42, €156,250)

La Fayette (Paris, Christie's, 23.VI.2010, Lot 157 repr., €157,000)

Young woman (New York, MMA. London, Christie's, 5.VI.2006, Lot 52, £187,200)
Young boy reading (London, Sotheby's, 14.VII.2010, Lot 52, £313,250

St John the Evangelist (ex Mount Vernon; Alexandria, Virginia, Potomack Company, 29.X.2024, Lot 4053, $317,500)

Historical prices

It almost meaningless to compare prices during the eighteenth century with those paid during the nineteenth or twentieth centuries, not least because currency exchange rates and inflation introduce such powerful distortions into the statistics. Even for long periods in the eighteenth century, when rates were relatively stable, there were large cost of living differences between London and the Continent. But for illustrative purposes, one can take prices paid in local currencies, exchange them into sterling at the contemporary rate, and adjust them for inflation using a retail prices index (note that this does not produce the same number as inflating in the local currency before exchange). Adjusting for inflation in luxury goods or in the cost of building a stately home would of course produce far higher numbers. Prices of paintings of similar pre-eminence to pastels seem to have moved significantly faster.

The UK retail price inflation rate from mid-eighteenth century to 2015 is about 200; between 1796 and 1914, the factor is closer to 100. Before 1914, £1 was roughly equal to FFr25 or $4.50. More accurate numbers are used in the illustrations below.

During the eighteenth century the highest price recorded was probably the 48,000 livres demanded, but not received, by La Tour for his portrait of Mme de Pompadour. Adjusting this using these principles to 2015£ values equates to only £362,000. Apart from Mme de Pompadour, very few eighteenth century records indicate prices exceeding say 1200 livres (2015£: £10,000), a level reported for a number of other artists from Rosalba and Mengs to Boze. But these are still significantly short of the 100 louis d'or (2015£: £19,000) Nanteuil received for his pastel of Louis XIV in the mid-seventeenth century.

Prices for pastels collapsed at the end of the eighteenth century and only really revived with the second wave of interest towards the end of the nineteenth century. In 1896, the 1000 guineas (2015£: £123,000) achieved by Lawrence's Mrs Boucherett at the Angerstein sale (Christie's, 1896) was believed to be the highest price ever paid at auction for a pastel. Prices relative to other pictures reached a zenith in the first quarter of the twentieth century, when works by La Tour fetched prices comparable with canvases of Fragonard or Watteau, and in excess of fine paintings by Rembrandt or Chardin. Perhaps the highest price was the £48,000 (Fr1.2 million at the time, 2015£: £2.4 million) agreed by Nathan Wildenstein with the Greek shipowner Nicolas Ambatielos for La Tour's président de Rieux in 1919 (Clemenceau saw it earlier that year, and said "c'est le plus beau pastel que j'aie vu…il devrait rester en France"); however, Ambatielos became bankrupt before payment was made, and the picture returned to Wildenstein where it remained until Maurice de Rothschild bought it for an undisclosed sum in 1930. It was sold to the Getty in 1994, also for an undisclosed sum. For comparison, the appendix in Gimpel 1963 includes paintings such as Fragonard's Le Billet doux (Fr420,000 at the Cronier sale in 1905; 2015£: £1.8 million), $250,000 in 1919 (2015£: £2.8 million); Watteau's Deux cousines (Fr220,000 in 1918; 2015£: £538,000); and Rembrandt's Titus ($40,000 in 1919; 2015£: £446,000). (In the field of old master drawings, many sheets by Michelangelo, each of which would now be priced in millions, sold for a few hundred pounds in the late nineteenth century.) One notes also that other La Tour pastels achieved high relative prices at the same time: La Tour's Mme Rouillé was sold for Fr31,000 (2015£: £148,000) in 1897 but reached Fr365,000 (2015£: £665,000) in the Bardac sale in 1920 and Fr1 million (2015£: £2.1 million) in 1926. The splendid La Tour Duval de l'Épinoy sold for Fr600,000 (2015£: £2.5 million) in the Doucet sale in 1912, double the estimate, and reported at the time as the highest price ever paid for a pastel (in our metric, that claim remains valid today). Writing in the Burlington magazine, Robert Dell, its first editor, revealed typically British fury: "Is it in accordance with common sense that a masterpiece by Fragonard [le songe du mendiant] should fetch 137,500 francs, and a masterpiece by Latour, who can hardly be counted the equal of Fragonard, 660,000? The truth is that prices have no sort of relation to artistic value."

Artist Title Date Currency Price MOTD 2015£
La Tour Duval de L’Épinoy (apportioned price) 1943 £ 97,500 £4,061,550
La Tour Duval de L’Épinoy 1912 Fr 600,000 £2,498,970
La Tour Le président de Rieux (not paid) 1919 Fr 1,200,000 £2,407,868
La Tour Mlle Sallé (Gulbenkian) 1928 Fr 1,000,000 £2,216,533
La Tour Mme Rouillé 1926 Fr 1,000,000 £2,146,029
Liotard Buisson-Boissier (Houston) 1986 SwFr 2,000,000 £2,144,391
Liotard Mountstuart (Getty Museum) 2000 £ 1,308,710 £2,006,812
Chardin Autoportrait (Orléans) 1986 Fr 6,000,000 £1,868,185
Gainsborough Duchess of Marlborough 2013 $ 2,434,500 £1,623,394
Fragonard La Fête à Rambouillet 2007 £ 1,252,000 £1,601,166
Liotard Dame en turque et sa servante au bain 1995 £ 903,500 £1,588,829
La Tour Dumont le Romain jouant de la guitare 1984 Fr 4,000,000 £1,387,501
Liotard Mlle Jacquet 2012 1,464,750 £1,278,944
Liotard Dame en costume maltaise (Washington) 2002 £ 776,650 £1,135,805
Liotard Lady Fawkener (Compton Verney) 2002 £ 732,650 £1,071,457
Liotard Nature morte: jeu de loto (Geneva) 1997 $ 992,500 £1,005,592
La Tour Dumont le Romain jouant de la guitare 2009 $ 1,258,500 £947,859
Liotard Lady Tyrell (Geneva) 1991 £ 448,897 £901,912
La Tour Autoportrait à l’index (Louvre) 2005 £ 657,600 £892,209
Hamilton Canova in his studio (V&A) 1998 £ 525,400 £845,551
Tiepolo Los madrileños 1995 $ 717,500 £799,345
Liotard Dame en turque et sa servante au bain 2009 £ 657,250 £774,899
Carriera Sir James Gray (Getty) 2009 $ 950,000 £715,508
La Tour Mme Rouillé 1920 Fr 365,000 £665,207
Carriera Boyne (Barber Institute) 2008 £ 525,000 £643,735
Boucher Vénus jouant avec deux colombes 2010 601,000 £610,893
Carriera Boyne (MMA) 2002 $ 621,750 £606,351
Barocci Madonna and Child beside a crib 2010 £ 505,250 £598,684
Liotard Miss Lewis 1995 £ 331,500 £582,952
Hamilton “Marquess of Downshire” 2000 £ 377,750 £579,252
Tiepolo Naranjera y majos 1996 £ 320,000 £543,699
Carriera Boyne 2008 £ 421,250 £516,521
Greuze L’Heureuse Mère (Washington) 1999 Fr 2,850,000 £475,388
Chardin Autoportrait (Chicago) 1983 Fr 1,250,000 £453,539
La Tour Belle-Isle 1992 Fr 2,220,000 £451,836
Tiepolo Mujer con nabos y otras figuras 1996 £ 260,000 £441,755
Gainsborough Duchess of Marlborough 1994 £ 236,919 £426,627
Girodet-Trioson Étude de dragon, crayon, pastel 2010 415,138 £421,972
Carriera Ragazza con pappagallo (Chicago) 1984 £ 135,000 £403,137
Hoare Henry Hoare 2012 £ 361,250 £389,002
Hamilton “Marquess of Downshire” 2011 £ 337,250 £382,042
Liotard Lady in a pink dress (Summerfield) 2011 £ 337,250 £382,042
Vigée Le Brun Les enfants Caillot 2000 Fr 2,500,000 £380,171
Wright of Derby Young boy reading 2010 £ 313,250 £371,178
La Tour Mme de Pompadour (not paid) 1755 Fr 48,000 £362,263
Coypel La Folie pare la Décrépitude 2009 336,750 £353,713
Tiepolo Testa di vecchio 2009 £ 289,250 £341,026
La Tour Voltaire preparation (Saint-Quentin) 1995 Fr 1,400,000 £316,016
Tiepolo Mujer con mantilla y otras figuras 1996 £ 184,000 £312,627
Mme Roslin Autoportrait 1913 Fr 75,000 £303,273
Nattier Mme Royer 1992 $ 270,000 £290,014
Tiepolo Gentleman holding a cane etc 1996 £ 170,000 £288,840
Coypel Dame en robe rose faisant de la tapisserie 2011 276,750 £272,005
La Tour Marie Fel au clavecin 1993 £ 140,000 £256,136
Wright of Derby Young woman (MMA) 2006 £ 187,200 £247,069
Carriera Lord Sidney Beauclerk 2012 £ 229,250 £246,861
Hamilton Canova, small head 2008 £ 199,250 £244,313
Hamilton Sir James Graham 2000 £ 155,000 £237,681
Perronneau Olivier Journu (MMA) 2002 258,750 £237,610
Lemoyne Louis XV (Getty) 1995 $ 211,500 £235,626
Greuze Self-portrait 2013 $ 350,000 £233,390
Gardner Lady Grey 2015 £ 233,000 £233,000
Hamilton Earl–Bishop of Bristol 1993 £ 125,000 £228,693
La Tour Dawkins 1913 £ 2,226 £225,029
Vigée Le Brun M. & Mme de Roissy 2010 216,750 £220,318
Copley Mr & Mrs Joseph Greene 2008 $ 326,000 £215,436
Mengs Allégorie de la Vérité (Houston) 1993 £ 109,300 £199,969
Liotard Anne, Countess of Northampton 2012 $ 293,500 £199,414
Liotard Lady Charles Spencer 1978 £ 36,000 £198,032
Allais Mme de La Pouplinière [??; ?? La Tour] 1936 £ 3,000 £188,372
La Tour Rousseau (Montmorency) 2007 £ 144,000 £184,160
La Tour La princesse de Rohan (Stockholm) 2014 217,500 £178,139
Copley Mrs George Turner 1978 £ 31,000 £170,528
Liotard Mr & Mevr J. M. van Tuyll 2001 £ 113,750 £169,347
Perronneau “marquise d’Anglure” 1905 Fr 39,000 £168,363
Liotard Mrs Fremeaux (Geneva) 1997 £ 98,000 £162,605
Weyler La Fayette 2010 157,000 £159,584
Russell Withers (Courtauld) 2000 £ 102,337 £156,926
Perronneau “marquis d’Aubais” 1929 Fr 70,000 £155,624
Liotard Franz Stefan & Maria Theresia (Albertina) 1967 SwFr 23,000 £151,467
La Tour Mme Rouillé 1897 Fr 31,550 £147,778
Barocci Young lady looking down 2015 $ 221,000 £145,672
La Tour Autoportrait 2003 145,375 £144,869
Gardner Sturt family 2013 £ 133,875 £139,689
Gardner Lady Fawkener  1908 £ 1,312 £139,361
Russell Persian Sibyl 1899 £ 1,155 £132,851
Lawrence Mrs Boucherett and children 1896 £ 1,050 £122,584
Copley Mrs Joseph Barrell 2001 $ 115,000 £118,887
Carriera Dame en Été 1998 $ 118,000 £114,583
Liotard Le petit déjeuner des Mlles Lavergne 1916 £ 1,260 £114,019
Liotard Horngacher 1995 SwFr 120,000 £113,200
Vigée Le Brun Mrs Spencer Perceval 2014 133,500 £109,340
La Tour La maréchale de Belle-Isle 1996 Fr 500,000 £107,703
La Tour Mme Cailloux 1998 $ 110,300 £107,106
La Tour Autoportrait 2008 110,000 £107,091
Nanteuil Pomponne 1998 $ 105,000 £101,959
Vigée Le Brun Jeune femme 2013 115,000 £101,866
Fragonard Enfant en Amour 2011 £ 85,250 £96,573
Liotard Maria Theresia 1997 SwFr 137,000 £95,664
Sharples George Washington 2008 $ 141,200 £93,311
Pillement Two river scenes 2015 £ 92,500 £92,500
Vigée Le Brun Countess of Tankerville 2009 $ 122,000 £91,886
Liotard Lady in a pink dress (Summerfield) 1989 £ 38,000 £90,123
Liotard Le petit déjeuner des Mlles Lavergne 1918 £ 1,450 £88,740
Carriera Elisabetta Algarotti Dandolo 2007 £ 66,000 £84,407
Liotard Kaunitz 2009 $ 110,500 £83,225
La Tour Auto preparation 1959 $ 11,000 £81,314
La Tour Mlle Salle 1893 Fr 18,000 £80,982
Vigée Mme Favart en pèlerine (Stockholm) 2012 84,750 £73,999